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   ۼ   sonic606       2021-11-29

I am just wondering if this is a correct sentence. There are two options. Which one is more suitable ? I am going to a car center for car inspection. 1)I hope it doesn't cost me a lot. 2)I hope it won't cost me a lot.

I am just wondering if this is a correct sentence. There are two options. Which one is more suitable ?
-> I am just wondering if this is a correct sentence. There are two options. Which one is more suitable?

Similar: I'm just curious if this is a proper sentence. There are two possibilities. Which one is more appropriate?

I am going to a car center for car inspection.

-> I am going to a car center for a car inspection.
Similar: I'm going to get my automobile inspected at a car center.

1)I hope it doesn't cost me a lot.

-> 1) I hope it doesn't cost me a lot.
Similar: 1) I'm hoping it won't be prohibitively expensive for me.

2)I hope it won't cost me a lot.
-> 2) I hope it won't cost me a lot.
Similar: 2) I'm hoping it won't be too expensive.


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