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      How to learn Japanese - 1      
   ۼ   gotomyself       2010-05-17

Japanese is kinda different language from English.

-> Japanese is kinda different language from English.

But same as Korean in light of word order.

-> But  same as Korean in light of word order.

When one sentence is made, they process in this way.

-> When one sentence is made, they proceIs It different from English word order?



Is It different from English word order?

-> Is it different from English word order?

English is pretty active language.

->English is pretty active language.

It is pronociated like a music. rythmical.

-> It's pronunciation is like music.rythmical

Also most of sentences are stressed first word.

-> Also most of the sentences are stressed on the first word.

But Japanese is absolutly not.

-> But Japanese is absolutely not.

most of Japanese sentences are stressed in the last word.

-> Most of the Japanese sentences are stressed in the last word.

They don't have any syllable, stress and accent except for elongation of words

-> They don't have any syllable, stress and accent except for elongation of words.

and sonant( the voiced sound strongly).

-> And sonant ( the voiced sound strongly).

So not that difficult to prononciate.

-> So it's not difficult to pronounced.

But when we learn japanese, many people has a problem on how to write

-> But  when we learn Japanese, many people had a problem on how to write


    i wanna tell u abut my teacher.
    How to learn Japanese - 2